Friday, April 12, 2013

13 April 2013 Holy Mass “A very important characteristic of the apostolic man is his love for the Mass.” (St Josemaria Escrivá, “The Way”, 528) “‘The Mass is long’, you say, and I reply: ‘Because your love is short.’” (St Josemaria Escrivá, “The Way”, 529) “When you approach the tabernacle remember that he has been waiting for you for twenty centuries.” (St Josemaria Escrivá, “The Way”, 537) Practise and ‘live’ the Holy Mass! You may be helped by a consideration which that priest, in love, used to repeat to himself: “Is it possible, my God, to take part in the Holy Mass and not be a saint?” And he would continue, “Each day, in fulfilment of an old promise, I will remain hidden in the Wound of Our Lord’s Side!” Shouldn’t you do the same? Ref: St Josemaria Escrivá, “The Forge”, 934 We are never alone In life, there will be no shortage of interior darkness, of misunderstandings. Oftentimes, situations arise wherein we must correct our course because we are lost. Then we should strive to see Our Lord, who always comes in the trial of suffering. Let us learn to accept the setbacks with faith, as blessings from heaven to purify us and draw us closer to God. It is enough to be in his company for us to feel secure always. Insecurity arises when our faith is weakened, when we don’t have recourse to Our Lord because it seems that he doesn’t hear us or maybe doesn’t care. He knows very well what is happening to us. He wants us to go to him and ask for help. He will never leave us alone. What confidence that the words of Jesus contained in the Communion Antiphon should inspire in us: “Father, I desire that they also, whom thou hast given me, may be with me where I am.” (Jn 17:24) It would seem sometimes of greater or less duration that Christ is not there, as if He had abandoned us or did not hear our prayer. But he is never the one who abandons. “The Lord looks on those who revere him to rescue their souls from death.” (Ps 32:18-9) If we remain close to Our Lord in personal prayer and the Sacraments, we will be able to do everything. Together with Him, the storms — interior or exterior — are converted into occasions for increasing our faith and hope and charity and fortitude. Eventually, we may come to understand the meaning of these afflictions. We will emerge from all trials, temptations and tribulations through which we must pass if we are close to Christ, more purified, humbler, and with more love of God. And we shall always be able to count on the help of Our Mother in Heaven. She is there all the time, but especially when for whatever reason we are experiencing difficulties. “You are not alone. Suffer that tribulation joyfully. It’s true, poor child, that you don’t feel your Mother’s hand in yours. But ... have you never seen the mothers of this earth, with arms outstretched, following their little ones when, without anyone’s help, they venture to take their first shaky steps? You are not alone: Mary is close beside you.” (St Josemaria Escrivá, “The Way”, 900) Ref: Cf F Fernandez, “In Conversation with God”, 2:377-80 The Truth, Source of True Liberty This marvelous task of liberty is accomplished according to Christ’s program and His Kingdom on the terrain of truth. Being free means achieving the fruits of liberty, acting in the truth. Also knowing how to yield, how to submit to the truth; not to subject truth to oneself, to one’s fancies and will, to one’s interests at the moment. Being free is not passive enjoyment, but the labor of liberty. At the price of such effort, man does not ‘waste’; but ‘gathers’ and ‘accumulates’ with Christ. Man also obtains that unity in himself which is proper to the Kingdom of God. At the same price, too, families, social groups, societies, achieve similar unity: of truth with liberty; and of liberty with truth. My dear friends! This unity is your particular task, unless you wish to want to surrender to the unity of that other program, that which seeks to accomplish itself in the world, in mankind, in our generation and in each of us, the program of whom Holy Scripture calls “the father of lies” (Jn 8:44). Do not permit destruction of this interior unity, which, through the Holy Spirit, Christ constructs in the conscience of every one of you. Unity, where liberty grows out of truth; and truth is the measure of liberty. Learn to think, speak and act according to principles of evangelical simplicity and clarity: ‘Yes, yes; no, no.’ Learn to call ‘white, white’; ‘black’, ‘black’ — ‘bad’, ‘bad’; ‘good’, ‘good’. Ref: Cf “Prayers and Devotions from Pope John Paul II”, 1984, p120 ‘Evangelical Leaven’ The Gospel St Mark wrote brings out the contrast between Christ who pardons (Mk 2:10), overcomes demons (Mk 1:24-7), heals the sick (Mk 1:31), those men who jeer at him (Mk 5:40) and desire his ruin (Mk 3:36). In this ‘scandalous’ contrast Mark sees the guiding line of God’s activity; he surprises people and induces them to ask about Christ’s identity. “Who is he?” (Mk 4:41) Through the very experience of their humiliation, he prepared them for the act of faith in his saving mission. “Truly this man was God’s Son” (Mk 15:39) is the centurion’s confession at the foot of the Cross. How can we fail to see all this as a clear indication for whoever wishes to follow Christ’s footsteps and become his witness in the contemporary world? Meekness in the face of opposition and clashes, dominion over the passions and forces of evil, and commitment to alleviating every form of suffering: the concrete modes whereby the Christian can provoke a query about Christ in people of today as well, for hearts to be disposed to accepting this message. Thus, enable him to work effectively for the coming of God’s kingdom and construction of the earthly City, in accord with the Christian vision of the world and of history, which is irreconciliable with materialistic ideologies. Ref: Cf “Prayers and Devotions from Pope John Paul II”, p169 • Apparition of Our Lady to the Blessed Jane of Mantua. — See her Life. (“Catholic Gems or Treasures of the Church” Historical Calendar; • Apparition of Our Lady to Blessed Jane of Mantua (1640). (www/; ( • Apparition of Our Lady to Blessed Jane of Mantua. (maryfest.htm / • Our Lady of Mantua. Apparition of Mary to Blessed Jane of Mantua. 1640. (

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