Friday, June 26, 2009

27 June 2009: Memorial -- Mother of Perpetual Help

Ancient tradition attributes to St Luke the painting of this miraculous icon. (Eusebius, “Ecclesiastical History”, II:43) In F Fernandez, “In Conversation with God”, 7:225.

Prayer: O Almighty and merciful God, Who hast given us to venerate the Picture of Thy most Blessed Mother under the special title of Perpetual Help; graciously grant, that amidst all the changes of our journey through life, we may be so defended by the continual protection of the same immaculate ever Virgin Mary, that we may deserve to obtain the rewards of Thy eternal Redemption, Who livest and reignest with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, world without end. Amen.

'Mary, Mother of Perpetual Help. Pray for us.'

Triumph of the Zeal of the Sacred Heart

“And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all things to myself.” (Jn 12:32) This is the prophecy of the triumph of our Lord’s zeal. What a triumph!

Idolatry vanquished and made despicable; the name of God known and adored everywhere; the way of salvation opened freely to all men. More than eleven million, in every condition of life, bearing witness for the faith by a cruel martyrdom!

Still a triumph that so many persons, regardless of sex, draw from the heart of Jesus a zeal which gives them courage to forsake all things or go into distant and barbarous lands as missionaries.

Ref: cf “Practical Meditations” by a Father of the Society of Jesus, 1964, p333

Most Sweet Heart of Mary

The most holy Virgin, Our Mother, will teach us how to live trustfully and with confidence in God’s omnipotence, if we have recourse to her frequently each day. In the most Sweet Heart of Mary, whose feast we celebrate in June, we never fail to find peace, consolation and joy. (cf F Fernandez, Op cit, 3:627)

The Consecration of Christ and Mary

In the area of Revelation, we know that seldom does man give something to God. The encounter between God and man finds its full realization in Christ, incarnated by the Holy Spirit in the womb of the Virgin Mary, crucified and risen: the blood of the new alliance shed in sacrifice for the remission of sins, consecrates the people of all time and space.

Thus consecration and sacrifice are two inseparable poles of the same Paschal event of Christ. The prayer pronounced by Jesus before His death, has been rightly called ‘Priestly Prayer’ ... or a ‘prayer of consecration’, filled with the offer of His own life to the world.

In Greek, to consecrate means 1) to deify or to sanctify, and 2) to sacrifice, immolate. In the accomplishment of this consecratory sacrifice of Christ through the offering of His Body and Blood, He collaborated with the Virgin Mary: from her He took a body to sacrifice for us, the blood through which we are consecrated.

· “We will discover the Heart of Jesus when we contemplate the Heart of Mary.” -- St John Eudes (C Maggioni in “Alliance of the Two Hearts”, pp181-2)

Confirmation Creates Witnesses to Christ

The Sacrament [of Confirmation] ... confirms and seals what was already mysteriously effected in you in Baptism, when you became adoptive children of God by full right.

You were beneficially brought within the range of his love’s action: not only the love which he has for every creature as the Creator, but above all, the range of that most special love which he showed for man in Jesus Christ, as Redeemer.

With this chrism, you acquire a particular relationship directly with the Lord Jesus. You are officially consecrated to him as witnesses to the Church and the world. He has need of you, and he wants to employ you by lending him your countenances, your hearts, your whole persons, so that his behavior towards others will be as you behave yourselves.

If you are good, responsive, dedicated to the well-being of others, loyal servants of the Gospel, then Jesus will be giving that good impression; but if you should be weak and unspirited, then you will be casting a shadow over his real identity, and you will not be honoring him.

So, you are called to a very lofty task, which turns you into true, complete Christians. Confirmation actually brings you to the Christian’s adulthood. That is, it trusts you and acknowledges a sense of responsibility in you.

The child is not yet master of himself, of his acts, of his life. But the adult has the courage of his own choices; knows how to bear the consequences. He is capable of paying in person, because he has gained such an inner maturity that he can decide on his own, employ his existence as he thinks best, and above all give love, instead of only receiving it.

Ref: cf “Prayers and Devotions from Pope John Paul II”, p219

The Holy Spirit, the Secret Force in Confirmation

No one succeeds in being an authentic disciple of Christ if he wishes to be so alone, on his own initiative, with his own energies. That is impossible. The result would be only a caricature of the true Christian.

Just as one cannot become a human adult unless there be a new and decisive contribution from nature, so it is with the Christian on another level. But with the chrism you receive a pouring out and a particular endowment of the Holy Spirit. He, just like the wind, from which the word “spirit” comes, enlivens, urges, refreshes.

He is our secret strength, the inexhaustible reserve and propellent energy of all our thinking and doing as Christians. He gives you courage, as he did to the Apostles at Pentecost. He makes you understand the truth and beauty of Jesus’ words. He gives you life.

He is actually the Spirit of God and the Spirit of Christ. When he comes to you, he does not come alone but also brings the seal of the Father and his Son Jesus with him. At the same time, he introduces you into the trinitarian mystery. It is not easy to discuss this, but that does not mean it thereby ceases to be the foundation of and unmistakable stamp upon our Christian identity.

Ref: Cf Ibid, p220

Our Lady -- “Imitate the Blessed Virgin. Only by openly admitting that we are nothing can we become precious in the eyes of our Creator.” (St Josemaria Escrivá, “The Forge”, 588)

Our Lady of La Dorade, France
( feasts.html); and (MaryLinks Calendar.htm)

St Cyril of Alexandria, bishop and Doctor of the Church -- He presided over the General Council of Ephesus, at which Nestorius and his doctrines were condemned. Invincible champion of the oneness of Person in Jesus Christ and divine maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. (Fr James Socias, et al [Eds], “Daily Roman Missal”, p1559)