Joseph and Mary, though poor, lived happily with Jesus. “Herod, perceiving that he was deceived by the wise men” (Mt 2:16), had acted to destroy the Infant. But God protected them. Warned of Herod’s plans, He showed the means of escape.
An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph while he was asleep and said, “Arise, and take the Child and His Mother, and fly into Egypt” (Mt 2:13).
Let us learn to understand God’s Providence. He does not spare His servants afflictions and persecutions; but ensures that everything works for their good. The angel gave the order to Joseph as head of the Holy Family and for the sake of good order.
The direction of our souls is not entrusted to a person but to God in the person of whoever holds His place; and of whom He has said, “He that hears you hears Me” (Lk 10:16).
I might obey grudgingly, or fail to respect a director, because he is younger in age or in spiritual matters. This proves that I am ignorant of the order established by God.
My idea of the virtue of obedience is flawed. I submit in deference to policy, but not supernaturally.
Ref: Cf “Practical Meditations” by a Father of the Society of Jesus, 1964, pp49-51
The obedience and fortitude of Joseph
The Holy Family’s hasty flight was a sign of the Cross ending a very happy day. An amazingly profound mystery! The Saviour, Son of God made Man cried, slept and sought refuge in the arms of Mary and Joseph.
The journey involved walking along unfriendly desert and less traveled roads with the constant fear of being caught. The Egyptian border, beyond which they would be safe from Herod, was about a week away.
God did not spare those he loved most from this trial. Perhaps to make us understand that difficulties bring great benefits. Also, that being close to God does not mean freedom from pain or problems. God’s promise is the serenity and fortitude to accept them.
The Holy Family quickly followed the Angel’s directions fulfilling the will of God in all circumstances.
“Joseph did not become scandalized or say: ‘This is an enigma. A short while ago, You, Yourself let us know that He would save His people and now as He is unable to save Himself, we have to flee, to undertake a long journey and suffer a long period away from home: this is contrary to Your promise.’ Joseph does not reason in this way because he is a faithful man.” (cf St John Chrysostom, “Homilies on St Matthew”,
He obeyed immediately. He showed fortitude, taking charge of the situation ... How we must act also.
The day after being elected Pope, John Paul I said: “Yesterday morning, I went peacefully to the Sistine Chapel to vote. I could never have imagined what was going to happen.
The danger for me had scarcely begun when the two companions at my side whispered words of encouragement. One said: ‘Come on, if Our Lord gives a heavy burden, he also gives the help to carry it!’ ”(John Paul I, “Angelus”, 27 Aug 1978)
We can learn from St Joseph how to care, with fortitude and strength, for all that God entrusts to us -- family, work, apostolate, etc. A fact of life is, obstacles are inevitable. We shall always overcome them with God’s grace.
Fortitude “teaches us to appreciate the human and divine value of patience. The person with fortitude ... perseveres in doing what his conscience tells him he ought to. He does not measure the value of a task exclusively by the benefit he derives from it, but rather by the service he renders to others.” (St Josemaria Escrivá, “Friends of God”, 77-8)
Mothers frequently have to practise fortitude discreetly and normally in a pleasant, patient way. “The Bible does not praise the weak woman, but the strong one, ‘... is kindly instruction she gives’ (Prov 31:26) -- because kindness is the summit of fortitude ... to know how to wait; how to be silent; being able, when faced with injustice or weakness, to turn a blind eye; to excuse, to cover up shaming things, which is no less a work of mercy ...” (cf Gertrud von le Fort, “The eternal woman”)
Ref: Cf F Fernandez, “In Conversation with God”, 1:335-7, 340
St Joseph Hears God’s Word
St Joseph is great in the spirit. He is great in faith, not because he uttered any words of his own but above all ‘because he heard the words of the living God’. He listened in silence and became a witness of the Divine Mystery ...
The Word of the living God fell deeply into the soul of that man -- that Upright Man.
And we, do we know how to listen to God’s word? Do we know how to absorb it in the depths of our human ‘ego’?
Do we open our consciences to this word? ...
Do we read Sacred Scripture?
Do we take part in catechesis?
‘We have so much need of faith! ...’
Great faith is so necessary today to individuals, families, communities, the Church.
People of God! ... ‘Fear not to accept’ Mary, together with Joseph of Nazareth. Fear not to accept Jesus Christ, his Son, all your lives. Fear not to accept Him under the roofs of your houses ...
Fear not to accept Christ in your daily work. Fear not to accept Him in your ‘world’.
Then this world will be really human. It will become ever more human. Only the God-Man can make our ‘human world’ fully human.
Ref: Cf Pope John Paul II, “Prayers and Devotions”, 1994, p127-8
Mary, Model of the Christian family
“... The Virgin’s merciful heart sympathizes with family needs. ... The divine Mother is a most perfect model of the domestic virtues which must adorn the Christian married state. In Mary you will find the purest and the most faithful love for her most chaste spouse. Her love was made up of sacrifices and of delicate attentions.
"In Mary you will find entire and continuous dedication to needs of family and home; you will find humility, patient resignation, lovableness and charity to all who visit the humble home of Nazareth.” (Pope Pius XII, “Quandoquidem”, 20 Apr 1939 in Rev Joseph A Viano, SSP, “Two Months with Mary”, 1984, p14)
• Eve of Espousals of Our Lady. Celebrated in France. ["Betrothal of Our Lady. This feast, celebrated privately in France many years ago by devout persons, was approved 1546 by Pope Paul III. (Petr. Auratus Image Virtutus, c. 10.)"]; (
• Eve of Our Lady’s Espousals to St. Joseph. (www/
• Eve of Espousal of the Virgin Mary. France. (
• Espousals of Our Lady (celebrated in France). (maryfest.htm /
• Betrothal of Our Lady. This feast, celebrated privately in France many years ago by devout persons, was approved by Pope Paul III, in 1546. (Petr. Auratus Image Virtutus, c. 10.); (
• Our Lady of Consolation. Rome. [" foot of Capitol. This Madonna began to work miracles in 1471. (Triple Couronne, n 43)"]; (
• Our Lady of Ceignac (France 1516). (
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