Thursday, March 8, 2012

9 March 2012: Firmness in faith

Despite a severe prohibition from the High Priest and Sanhedrin not to “teach at all in the name of Jesus” (cf Acts 4:18), the Apostles preached every day more freely and with more determination the doctrine of the faith. And there were many who were converted and baptized.
The Apostles’ disobeying the commands of the Sanhedrin was not a matter of pride or lack of knowledge of social duties towards lawful authority. They resisted them because the council wished to impose on them a command which was against the law of God. They reminded their judges, courageously and simply, that obedience to God comes first.
They were fully convinced “that for those who fear God there is no danger but only for those who don’t fear Him” (St John Chrysostom, “Homilies on the Acts of the Apostles”, 13); and that it is worse to commit an injustice than to suffer it.
The Apostles showed their firmness of faith, how deeply they had absorbed the Master’s teaching after having received the Holy Spirit, and their great regard to God’s honour. (cf “The Navarre Bible, Acts of the Apostles”)
The fortitude and conviction of the first Christians is what Our Lord is also asking from us, when, in certain societies, there is a climate of indifference or even direct attack, often veiled, on true human and Christian values. A well-formed conscience will lead a Christian to be as law-abiding, as he is ready to take a stand on what is against the natural law.
The State is not omnipotent; it is not the source of good and of evil. “It is an obligation for Catholics who are present in political institutions to exercise a critical role within their respective institutions so that their programmes and activities correspond every day more to the aspirations and criteria of Christian morality. ...” (Spanish Episcopal Conference, “Witnesses to the living God”, 28 June 1985)
The effective protection of basic individual rights, the right to life from the very first moment of conception, the protection of marriage and family, equal opportunities in school and work, freedom of education, speech and religion, personal security, contribution to world peace, all form part of the common good which Christians should defend. (Spanish Episcopal Conference, “Catholics in public life”, 22 April 1986)
‘Passivity’ in such important affairs would really be a lamentable error and omission of the duty to contribute to the common good. They would form part of the sins of omission for which, as well as those of thought, word and deed, we ask Our Lord for pardon at the start of the Mass.
“... You as a Christian and perhaps as a research worker, writer, scientist, politician, or labourer, have the duty to sanctify those things. Remember that the whole universe -- as the Apostle says -- is groaning as in the pangs of labour, awaiting the liberation of the children of God.” (St Josemaria Escrivá, “Furrow”, 311)
Ref: Cf F Fernandez, “In Conversation with God”, 2:3

The Laity Profess Their Faith
You are the salt of the earth! ... the light of the world. “The Christian vocation is by its very nature a vocation to the apostolate.” Here is the root of the kernel of announcement and testimony of the Christian faith.
Hence, the first attitude assumed by the testifier to the faith is that of ‘professing this same faith which he practices’, becoming gently converted by the Spirit of God and conforming one’s life to this Divine Wisdom. ... We are not proprietors who can do what we like; but are responsible for a gift which must be faithfully transmitted.
Only Christ! Let us proclaim him, in thanksgiving and wonder. In him is already the fullness of “what God has prepared for those who love him” (1 Cor 2:9). This is the announcement the Church entrusts to all who are called to proclaim, celebrate, communicate and live the infinite Love of the Divine Wisdom.
Ref: Cf “Prayers and Devotions from Pope John Paul II”, 1984, pp311-2

Our Lady -- “O Mother, Mother! With that word of yours, ‘Fiat: Be it done’ -- you have made us brothers of God and heirs to his glory. Blessed are you!” (St Josemaria Escrivá, “The Way”, 512)

Entrusting the World to Mary
The Second Vatican Council renewed in us consciousness of the Church and her mission; and also consciousness of a particular relationship between the Church and the contemporary world.
This conciliar program of renewal leads me to add a particular act of entrustment of the contemporary world to the act of entrustment of the Church to the Mother of God and the Mother of the Church which I pronounced last year.
I desire to make reference in this way to the act which Pope Pius XII performed forty and thirty years ago and which was recalled also by Pope Paul VI, when he proclaimed Mary “Mother of the Church” on the occasion of the closure of the third session of the Council.
The contemporary world is threatened in various ways. It is perhaps threatened more than it has been at any other time in the course of history. So it is necessary for the Church to wake and watch at the feet of Him who is the Sole Lord of history and Prince of the age to come.
I, therefore desire to watch and wake together with the whole Church, raising a cry to the Heart of the Immaculate Mother. I invite all to join me in spirit.
Ref: Cf Pope John Paul II, “Prayers and Devotions”, 1994, p187

The intercession of our Mother
The Church has always shown us the way to ensure that our petitions reach God more promptly through the mediation of Mary, Mother of God. We turn to her now and at all times.

· “Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known, that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help and sought thy intercession, was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence I fly to thee Oh Virgin of virgins, my Mother, to you I come, before you I stand, sinful and sorrowful. Oh Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions but in your mercy, hear and answer me. Amen.” (“Memorare” prayer by St Bernard) [of Clairvaux in “Our Sunday Visitor’s Catholic Encyclopedia”, 1991, pp636-7])

• Foundation of Savigny, in the diocese of Avranches, in Normandy, in honor of the Blessed Virgin, about the year 1112, by the Blessed Vitalis, hermit, who was its first abbot. — Gallia Christi, t. iv. (“Catholic Gems or Treasures of the Church” Historical Calendar;
• Foundation of Savigny (Normandy) in honor of Our Lady. (maryfest.htm /
• Foundation of Savigny in Normandy in honor of Our Lady. France 1112. (
• Our Lady of Savigny (France, 1112). (www/; (
• “Notre Dame de Savigny”. France. 1112. (
• Our Lady of Miracles (Trévise Italie, 1510) (

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