Friday, May 4, 2012

4 May 2012: Miraculous catch of fishes

Admitting and humbly confessing their helplessness, Jesus had prepared his disciples for an extraordinary favor. He said in his usual tone of authority, “‘Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and you will find.’ So they cast, and now they were unable to draw it for the multitude of fishes.” (Jn 21:6) This improbable success was the reward of the prompt and blind obedience to one who seemed to speak in the name of God. “Their eyes were held.” (Jn 21:4) They did not recognize their Divine Master. The miracle would, presumably, immediately reveal to them who caused it. John, the beloved disciple, alone recognized Jesus. He told Peter, “It is the Lord” (Jn 21:7). Why did St John receive this supernatural light? St Jerome explains: ‘It was the virgin disciple only who recognized the King of virgins.’ The purity of his heart had won for him this special preference. Thus we see the literal fulfilment of our Savior’s words, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Mt 5:8). Simon Peter, on hearing ‘It is the Lord’, jumped into the sea. St Peter’s love for his Master was so great that he was impatient to reach shore. Love does not wait to reason. The dangers of jumping into the water did not enter his mind. To be with Jesus soonest, his sole thought, ignored all difficulties. To succeed always, let us be obedient, submissive in faith and in love to whoever directs in the name and with authority of God. Let us obey promptly and blindly, trusting him whose hand is omnipotent and who has said, ‘an obedient man shall speak of victories’. Are we habitually in spiritual darkness? Perhaps, we cared little to preserve our purity of heart? Does our want of mortification lead to many faults? These faults may be minor but stain our soul and keep light out. St Peter’s conduct shows that “Love oftentimes knows no measure, but is fervent beyond all measure, attempts what is above its strength, pleads no excuse of impossibility; it is, therefore, able to undertake all things, while he who does not love would faint and lie down.” (Thomas à Kempis, “Imitation of Christ”) Ref: Cf “Practical Meditations” by a Father of the Society of Jesus, 1964, pp241-3 ` ` ` MAY DEVOTIONS ` ` ` Mary’s Holy Family: The Trinity on earth “It is but natural that the Church rejoices as it contemplates the modest home of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. We read the words from matins on the feast of the Holy Family: ‘It is pleasing to recall the lowly house of Nazareth and its slender resources; it is pleasing to tell again in song Jesus’ hidden life. Jesus grows up in hidden seclusion, to be trained in Joseph’s lowly trade. The loving Mother sits beside her dear Son, the good wife by her husband, content if her loving attention can ease and comfort them in their weariness.’” (St Josemaria Escrivá, “Christ is passing by”, 22) Let us offer our Mother: ‘A loving review of her life with Jesus as we recite the joyful mysteries (Rosary).’ Ref: Fr Charles Belmonte and Fr James Socias (Eds), “Handbook of Prayers”, 1988, p305 A mystical rose tree Good and devout souls, who walk in the light of the holy Spirit: You will not mind my giving you this little mystical rose tree which comes straight from heaven and is to be planted in the garden of your soul. It cannot possibly harm the sweet smelling flowers of your contemplations; for it is a heavenly tree and its scent is beautiful. It will not interfere with your carefully planned flower beds; for, being itself all pure and well-ordered, it inclines all to order and purity. If it is carefully watered and properly attended to every day it will grow to such a marvelous height and its branches will have such a wide span that, far from hindering your other devotions, it will maintain and perfect them. Of course you understand what I mean, since you are spiritually-minded; this mystical rose tree is Jesus and Mary in life, death and eternity. Its green leaves are the ‘Joyous Mysteries’, the thorns, the ‘Sorrowful’ ones and the flowers, the ‘Glorious Mysteries’ of Jesus and Mary. The buds are the childhood of Jesus and Mary, and the full-blown roses symbolize Jesus and Mary in their triumph and glory. A rose delights us because of its beauty -- so here we have Jesus and Mary in the ‘Joyous Mysteries’. Its thorns are sharp, and prick, which make us think of them in the ‘Sorrowful Mysteries’; and last of all its perfume is so sweet that everyone loves it, and this fragrance symbolizes their ‘Glorious Mysteries’. So please do not scorn this beautiful and heavenly tree, but plant it in the garden of your soul, resolving to say your Rosary every day. By saying it daily and by doing good works you will be tending your tree, watering it, hoeing the earth around it. Eventually, this little seed which I have given you, and which seems so very small now, will grow into a tree so great that the birds of heaven, ie, predestinate and contemplative souls, will dwell in it and make their nests there. Its shade will shelter them from the scorching heat of the sun and its great height will keep them safe from the wild beasts on the ground. And best of all, they will feed upon the tree’s fruit: none other than our adorable Jesus, to Whom be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen. So be it. Ref: St Louis de Montfort, “The Secret of the Rosary”, 1954, pp13-4 The Popes and the Rosary · “If you desire peace in your hearts, homes and country, assemble every evening to recite the Rosary.” -- Pius IX · “The Rosary is my favorite, a marvelous prayer.” -- John Paul II · “The Rosary is the glory of the Church.” -- Julius II Ref: Rev Joseph A Viano, SSP, “Two Months with Mary”, 1984, pp43-4 • Our Lady of Succor, three leagues from Caen, in Normandy. Every year a solemn procession is made to this chapel. — Triple Couronne, n. 51. (“Catholic Gems or Treasures of the Church” Historical Calendar; • Our Lady the Helper near Caen, Normandy, France. ( • Our Lady the Helper (near Caen, Normandy). (maryfest.htm / • Our Lady the Helper. Near Caen, France. ( • Our Lady the Helper, Normandy, France. (www/; ( • “Notre Dame-des-Victoires”. Church in San Francisco founded in 1856, and named in gratitude for Anglo-French victory in the Battle of Sevastopol, during the Crimean War. (

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