Monday, December 17, 2012

18 December 2012 Our Lady’s Expectation (“Our Sunday Visitor’s Catholic Encyclopedia”, 1991, p630) Novena for Christmas: Day 3 Joseph and the mystery of the Incarnation The birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way: When his mother Mary had been engaged to Joseph, but before they lived together, she was found to be with child. Joseph, being a just man and unwilling to put her to shame, resolved to send her away quietly. (cf Mt 1:18-9) Meanwhile, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary your wife, for the child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you are to name him ‘Jesus’, for he will save his people from their sins.” (cf Mt, 1:18-21) All this was to fulfill what had been spoken by the Lord: “Look, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emman’ü-el (ie, ‘God is with us’).” When Joseph awoke, he took Mary as his wife. (cf Mt 1:22-4) On the Mystery of Christimas Who is this Word, become visible to our eyes in mortal flesh? The Word Eternal, the second Person of the Holy Trinity, consubstantial with the Father. God, Creator of heaven and earth, become a mortal man and still remaining God, uniting, without mixture or alteration, the human and divine in one divine Person. What a mystey of wisdom, power, and love! Especially, what a mystery of abasement! The omnipotent God become a little child for us! If our faith in this mystery of abasement were more lively, instead of cherishing feelings of vanity and murmuring when we are humiliated, we would be ashamed of even an involuntary feeling of vanity; and we would love and seek for humiliations. Such were at least the feelings and dispositions with which the memory of the cradle of Bethlehem, and those words of the Apostle, “Emptied Himself, taking the form of a slave”, inspired the saints. Let us beg for the grace of understanding this wonderful mystery of God becoming a mortal and feeble man. Ref: Cf “Practical Meditations” by a Father of the Society of Jesus, 1964, p799 Mary’s virginity: Our purity Mary’s virginity is a privilege intimately united with her divine maternity. It is in perfect harmony with her Immaculate Conception and her glorious Assumption. Mary is Queen of virgins: “the dignity of virginity stems from the Mother of God”. (St Augustine, “Sermon 51”) The Blessed Virign is the most perfect example for every life that is completely dedicated to God. The renunciation of human love for God’s sake is a divine grace which drives and encourages a person to surrender body and soul to Our Lord with all the possibilities that the heart possesses. God is thus the one and only focus of this love. It is in God that the heart finds fulfilment and perfection, without the intervention of earthly love. The result is God grants a bigger heart which, in him, is capable of loving all creatures. For single and married people, Mary’s virginity is also a call to live with finesse the virtue of holy purity which is essential to seeing God and serving others. Many, blinded by a materialistic outlook, might misunderstand this virtue. In fact, it will be scorned and its utility debated. The Holy Spirit acts in a special way on the soul that is refined in its chastity. Holy purity produces rich fruit in the soul. It enlarges the heart and helps in the normal growth of affections. It gives rise to deep internal happiness even amidst many obstacles. It makes us more human, more understanding and sympathetic. On the other hand, impurity gives rise to insensitivity of heart and selfishness. It makes a person incapable of real love, and conditions the soul to nurture every kind of vice and unfaithfulness. Today, we can offer our hearts to Our Lady and resolve to strive for greater care in living this virtue. Holy purity is pleasing to her, and produces so many fruits in our interior life and in the apostolate. “We ask this of him through the intercession of Our Lady, she who is immaculate purity itself. Let us turn to her, ‘tota pulchra’, all beautiful, taking to heart that advice I gave many years ago to those who felt uneasy in their daily struggle to be humble, pure, sincere, cheerful and generous. ‘All the sins of your life seem to be rising up against you. Don’t give up hope! On the contrary, call to your holy Mother Mary, with the faith and abandonment of a child. She will bring peace to your soul.’” (St Josemaria Escrivá, “Friends of God”, 189) Ref: Cf F Fernandez, “In Conversation with God”, 1:169-75 ‘Mother most admirable. Pray for us.’ St Cyril of Alexandria, who died in 444, wrote: “We salute you, O Mother of God, greatest treasure of the universe, lamp of inextinguishable light, crown of virgins, indestructible temple, throne of the invisible One ... “After the fall caused by Eve, the outcast is readmitted to heaven by means of you, O Ave! “Through you baptism is given to believers. “Through you churches are founded throughout the world. “Through you entire peoples are led to penance. “Through you the only begotten Son of God became a shining light to those who lay in darkness and in the shadow of night. “Through you the prophets utter their prophecies. “Through you the Apostles announced salvation to all the countries of the world. “Through you the dead come to life ... And all this through the will of the Holy Trinity.” Ref: In Rev Joseph A Viano, SSP, “Two Months with Mary”, 1984, p16 · “If all the tongues of men were put together, they will not suffice to praise Mary as much as she deserves.” -- St Augustine (In Rev Joseph A Viano, SSP, “Two Months with Mary”, 1984, p16 Recovery -- “Advent is here. What a marvellous time in which to renew your desire, your nostalgia, your real longing for Christ to come -- for him to come every day to your soul in the Eucharist. The Church encourages us: He is about to arrive!” (cf St Josemaria Escrivá, “The Forge”, 548) • Dedication of Our Lady of Marseilles, by St. Lazarus, in the presence of his two sisters, Mary Magdalen and Martha, and of three holy prelates — Maximus, Trophimus, and Entropius. — Cunisius, lib. v., Moral. (“Catholic Gems or Treasures of the Church” Historical Calendar;; ( • Dedication of Our Lady of Marseilles by St. Lazarus. (www/; (; ( • Expectation of Our Lady (654). (www/; (; (; (; (maryfest.htm / • Feast of Our Lady of the Way. Miraculous image in the Philippines. [See August 11.] (

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