Wednesday, June 12, 2013

9 September 2013 The Virgin of the Holy Miracle A church in Cebrero, northwestern Spain where a Eucharistic Miracle occurred on this day, in 1300, has an image of Our Lady. Local tradition is during the miracle, the arms of the statue stretched out and Our Lady inclined her head to honor her Son. Pope Innocent VIII wrote a Papal Bull authenticating the miracle. (Bob and Penny Lord, “Miracles of the Holy Eucharist”, I:129) Jesus foretells His Passion a second time During the third year of the ministry of Jesus Judea was the scene of his labors. Previously he scarcely left Galilee. Before going to Judea, he wished to pay one last visit to Capernaum, where he had lived so much. On the way from Mount Tabor to Judea he permitted only his Apostles to accompany him, that he might tell them of the great mystery he will soon suffer there. He said to them, “The Son of Man will be betrayed into the hands of men, and they will kill him; ... after he is killed, he will rise again on the third day” (cf Lk 18:31-3). In the first place, note ‘when it was’ that Jesus reminded himself and others of his Passion -- when the fame of his miracles had made him very popular. When success favors us, when men praise us, let us not yield to thoughts or words of vanity; but instead strive to be humble. Remember we are unprofitable servants, doomed to die; uncertain of love or wrath. Secondly, ‘why’ did Jesus repeatedly foretell his approaching Passion? To make us understand that he would suffer of his own free will, out of love for man. And to prevent them from being scandalized when the time came. We learn here to do good so that whatever we do may prove to be so under any circumstances. “The meaning of his words remained a mystery to them.” (cf Lk 18:34) They understood the phrases, ‘to be delivered up’, ‘to be put to death’, which were plain enough; but not their meaning, because their love for Jesus and their own ambitious views made them reject the literal sense of the words. They were afraid to ask him about this word. “And they were troubled exceedingly.” (Mk 10:32) “The Son of Man shall be betrayed into the hands of men, and they shall kill him; after three days he will rise again.” (Mk 10:33-4) It is important to note here that Jesus never separates the prediction of his glorious resurrection from that of his Passion. He does this for our encouragement that the thought of our resurrection and the promised joys of heaven may support us in the spiritual combat, in every imaginable sacrifice and suffering. Ref: Cf “Practical Meditations” by a Father of the Society of Jesus, 1964, pp570-72 The Visitation of Mary Most Holy This episode in the Gospel presents an aspect of Mary’s interior life: her attitude of ‘humble service and disinterested love’ for those in need. “Whoever loves God must also love his brother” (1 Jn 4:21), St John was to say. But who put this message into practice better than Mary? And who, if not Jesus, whom she bore in Her womb, drove her, spurred her, inspired her to this continuous attitude of generous service and disinterested love for others? “The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve ...” (Mt 20:28), Jesus told His disciples. But His mother had already perfectly practiced her Son’s attitude. ... The mystery of the Visitation is ‘a mystery of joy’. John the Baptist exulted for joy in St Elizabeth’s womb. She, filled with joy at the gift of motherhood, broke forth in blessings upon the Lord. Mary uttered the ‘Magnificat’, a hymn overflowing with messianic joy. But what is the mysterious, concealed source of such joy? It is Jesus. Mary had already conceived Him through the work of the Holy Spirit, and He is now beginning to defeat what is the root of fear, of anxiety, of sadness -- sin, the most humiliating slavery for man. Mother of beautiful love, pray for us! Teach us to love God and our brethren, as you have loved them. Cause our love for others to be ever patient, benign, respectful ... Cause of our joy, pray for us! Amen. Ref: Cf “Prayers and Devotions from Pope John Paul II”, 1984, p207 Imitating Our Lady in her spirit of service Our Lady has but one reaction to God’s will: to love it. Proclaiming herself ‘the handmaid of the Lord’, she accepts his plans without any reservation. At a time when slavery, the lot of the servant, was a common condition, this expression of Mary is seen in all its force and depth. The slave did not have a will of his own, nor a desire independent of his master’s. Our Lady agrees with the greatest joy; and with all her heart desires no other wish than that of her Master and Lord. She gives herself to him without condition. In imitation of her, we also do not want any other will, or any plans except those of God. We want this in obviously vital matters, eg, in our vocation to sanctity. We must consider one specific aspect of service to others which is part of our vocation: the order of charity. The visit of our Mother to her cousin Elizabeth is an outstanding manifestation of charity. We must love everybody because everyone is a child of God. But we must love in the first place those with whom we have special ties, such as members of our families. This ‘caritas’ must be shown by deeds, not only by affection. We have numerous opportunities of exercising spontaneously our love and spirit of service. “Let us ask the blessed Virgin to make us contemplatives, to teach us to recognize the constant calls from God when he knocks at the door of our heart. Let us ask her now: Mother, you brought into the world Jesus, who reveals to us the love of our Father God. Help us to recognize him in the midst of the cares of each day. Stir up our minds and our wills, so that we may be ready to listen to the voice of God, to the calls of grace.” (St Josemaria Escrivá, “Christ is passing by”, 174) Ref: Cf F Fernandez, “In Conversation with God”, 1:189-90 • Our Lady of Puy, in Velay. St George, who was its first bishop, had marked out the site of this church, which was not built till about the year 221. The Blessed Virgin herself, gave the charge of it to St Evodius, or Vosi, the seventh bishop of the same place, whom she ordered to transfer his Episcopal see to Pay. St Evodius obeyed the Blessed Virgin; but when he wished to consecrate his new church, it was made known to him that the dedication of it had been performed by angels; the doors opened of themselves, the bells rung of themselves, the candles were found lighted, and the holy Chrism, which the angels had used, appeared quite fresh upon the altar and the walls. — Odo Gisseus, de Virg, Aniciens., lib. ii., c. 7, 8, and 9. (“Catholic Gems or Treasures of the Church” Historical Calendar; • Our Lady of the Puy (in Velay, France). (maryfest.htm / • Our Lady of the Puy / “Le Puy”. Velay, France. 221. (; ( • Our Lady of “Le Puy”, France (221). (www/; ( • Joachim and Anna, parents of Mary (Orthodox). ( • Our Lady of Aranzazu. San Mateo Rizal PHL. (“The 2002 Catholic Directory of the Philippines”, p5); (

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