Monday, June 3, 2013
4 June 2013
Taking the Most Holy Eucharist into the World
As we reflect on the mystery, how much we comprehend the jealous love with which the Church guards this treasure of inestimable value! How logical and natural in the course of their history, that Christians have felt the need to give expression ‘in the external world as well’ to their joy and gratitude at the reality of such a great gift.
They grew aware of the fact that celebration of this divine mystery could not be reduced to being kept within the walls of a church, however large and artistic it might be; but that it was necessary to take it out ‘along the streets of the world’, for He whom the frail specie of the host conceals came to earth so as really to be “the life of the world” (Jn 6:52).
That is how the ‘Corpus Christi’ procession came about. The Church has celebrated it for many centuries now with quite particular solemnity and joy. We, too shall set off shortly in procession through the streets of our city. We shall go forward with hymns and prayers, bearing the sacrament of the Body and Blood of the Lord with us. We shall go among houses, schools, workshops, offices ... where the life of mankind is bubbling ... where its conflicts explode ...
Ref: Cf “Prayers and Devotions from Pope John Paul II”, 1984, p238-9
The love of the Heart of Jesus manifested in the Institution of the Holy Eucharist
Jesus has found means to perform a prodigy impossible to human love -- to die for the beloved object, yet without being separated from it. This he did by institution of the Holy Eucharist. Through this ineffable Sacrament, Jesus Christ dwells really in our hearts, and in our midst, though veiled from our eyes.
Making himself the ‘companion of our exile’, he multiplies his presence worldwide. From the tabernacle he calls to us, “Come to me, all you that labor and are burdened, and I will refresh you” (Mt 11:28).
Let us take advantage of the recent great feast of Corpus Christi to offer to the Heart of Jesus our tribute of love, gratitude, and veneration. To make reparation for having so frequently disregarded his loving invitations, so seldom visited him in the Sacrament of his love, so often grieved his Sacred Heart by our coldness and infidelity. This is the second miracle which the love of our Saviour works for us. Through the Holy Eucharist he renews continually in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass the offering which he made on Calvary on Good Friday. As priest and victim, he offers himself by the hands of his minister.
The Sacrifice of the Cross is bloody; on our altars, unbloody, Jesus being slain, theologically, “only by the sword of the words of consecration”. We can conclude “that the Sacrifice of the Mass is of equal value with that of the Cross”. (St John Chrysostom)
The love of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist is shown most of all by his consenting to become the food of our souls, thus identifying himself with us. In his own words: “Take ye, and eat; this is my Body.” (Mt 26:26) “He that eats my Flesh, and drinks my Blood, abides in me, and I in him.” (Jn 6:57-8) Why is it, after so many Communions we are still so ‘unspiritual, so unlike Jesus Christ’? For want of the right dispositions: such as fervor in our preparation, or thanksgiving; or in receiving the Blessed Sacrament?
Mary, more than all other beings together, loves and adores her Son, really present as he is in Heaven and in the Eucharist. She teaches us to have within ourselves the same sentiments she had in Nazareth, in Bethlehem, on Calvary, in the Cenacle.
[She encourages us to talk to him with the same love that she adores her Son in Heaven and in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. (cf R M Spiazzi, “Mary in the Christian Mystery”) As we emulate Our Lady’s great piety, we repeat: “I wish, Lord to receive you with the purity, humility and devotion with which your most holy Mother received you, with the spirit and fervor of the saints.” (“Spiritual Communion” in Fr Charles Belmonte and Fr James Socias, “Handbook of Prayers”, 1988 p283)]
Ref: Cf “Practical Meditations” by a Father of the Society of Jesus, 1964, pp317-9
The Blood of Christ
At the Basilica of Our Lady of the Precious Blood in Ferrara, Italy there took place on Easter Sunday, 28 March 1171 when it was still a small church, a miracle just before distribution of Holy Communion. At the moment the priest broke the consecrated Host into two, the Host turned into Flesh and from the Flesh, Blood sprayed and splattered on the vaulted dome behind the Altar. This red stain remains to this day. The incident was immediately reported to the Bishop of Ferrara and Archbishop of Ravenna who declared unequivocally that the irrefutable evidence of the Blood on the wall, is conclusive proof that a Miracle had taken place. On 6 March 1404, Cardinal Migliorati issued a Bull to affirm the miracle.
Ref: Bob and Penny Lord, “Miracles of the Eucharist”, II:25-7
The sacred humanity of Christ
We read the Gospel eager to know our Lord just as his disciples knew him. To observe his reactions, behaviour; to see him full of compassion at the sight of so many people in need; to see him tired after a long day’s journey; impressed by the faith of a mother or of a centurion; and patient with the defects of his most faithful followers.
We also contemplate his habitual closeness and the trusting way he turns to his Father; in his nights of prayer and ceaseless love for all. To love him more, to know his most blessed humanity, to follow him closely, we must read the New Testament; meditate on it slowly, with love and piety.
The Second Vatican Council “forcefully and specifically exhorts all the Christian faithful to frequently read sacred Scripture. Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ, said St Jerome. Therefore, let them go gladly to the sacred text itself, whether in the sacred liturgy, which is full of his divine words, or in devout reading.” (Cf “Dei Verbum”, 25)
This food for our soul, which we must try to receive daily. Three or four minutes a day with love, is enough.
Ref: Cf F Fernandez, “In Conversation with God”, 2:455-6
The Heart of Jesus is exempt from even the thought of sin
We may say that the Mother of Jesus, by virtue of her Immaculate Conception, never had an evil thought disturb the peace of her heart. Much more can we say that of her Divine Son. Jesus Christ was absolute master over all the movements of his heart. He could open or close it at will to the emotions of joy, grief, etc.
How very different it is with us! Bad thoughts seem to follow and persecute us everywhere, and at all times, even in our prayers, even before the altar.
The seeds of original sin remain in our hearts. ‘The imagination and thought of man’s heart are prone to evil from his youth.’ We are often tempted to complain of this, but unwittingly increase the evil by allowing too much liberty to our senses, especially our eyes, which the Holy Spirit calls the windows of the soul. ‘Death comes up through our windows.’
Ref: Cf “Practical Meditations” by a Father of the Society of Jesus, 1964, pp321-2
• Our Lady of the Hill, at Fribourg, where many miracles are wrought. — Triple Couronne, n. 85. (“Catholic Gems or Treasures of the Church” Historical Calendar;
• Our Lady of the Hill, Lombardy, Italy (4th Century). (www/; (
• Our Lady of the Hill. Fribourg, Switzerland; Lombardy, Italy. 4th Century. (
• Our Lady of the Hill. At Fribourg, Switzerland 4th century. (; (maryfest.htm /
• Our Lady of the Holy Letter. (
• Queen of the Apostles. Harrison Blvd, Pasay City MM PHL. (
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